(This first bit abridged from Paul Graham’s “ANSI Common LISP” 1996)
> (+ 3 5) ; + is a function 8 > (/ (- 7 1) (- 4 2)) 3 > '(+ 3 5) ; this is an abbreviation of (quote (+ 3 5)) (+ 3 5) > 'Artichoke ; a symbol ARTICHOKE > '(my 3 "Sons") ; a list (MY 3 "Sons") > (list 'my (+ 2 1) "Sons") ; calling the list function (MY 3 "Sons")
Expressions vs lists
If a list is quoted, evaluation returns the list itself; if it is not quoted, the list is treated as code, and evaluation returns its value. Here the first argument is quoted, and so yields a list. The second argument is not quoted, and is treated as a function call, yielding a number:
> (list '(+ 2 1) (+ 2 1)) ((+ 2 1) 3) > () ; 1st way of representing empty list NIL > nil ; 2nd way. nil evaluates to itself. NIL > (cons 'a '(b c d)) ; cons = build list (A B C D) > (car '(a b c)) ; car = extract 1st element of list A > (cdr '(a b c)) ; cdr = extract everything after 1st element (B C) > (car (cdr (cdr '(a b c d)))) ; get third element C > (third '(a b c d)) ; easier way C > (listp '(a b c)) ; listp returns true if its argument is a list: T
A function whose return value is intended to be interpreted as truth or falsity is called a predicate. Common Lisp predicates often have names that end with p. Falsity in Common Lisp is represented by nil, the empty list.
> (if (listp '(a b c)) ; if (+ 1 2) ; then (+ 5 6)) ; else 3 > (if (listp 27) ; the 'else' argument defaults to nil. (+ 2 3)) NIL > (if 27 1 2) ; everything except nil counts as logically true. 1 > (and t (+ 1 2)) ;like bash's ": && echo $((1+2))" 3
Define new functions with defun. It usually takes three or more arguments: a name, a list of parameters, and one or more expressions that will make up the body of the function.
> (defun our-third (x) (car (cdr (cdr x)))) OUR-THIRD
The first argument says that the name of this function will be our-third
. The second argument, the list (x)
, says that the function will take exactly one argument: x
. A symbol used as a placeholder in this way is called a variable. When the variable represents an argument to a function, as x
does, it is also called a parameter.
> (our-third '(a b c d)) C
Symbols are variable names, existing as objects in their own right. And that’s why symbols, like lists, have to be quoted. A list has to be quoted because otherwise it will be treated as code; a symbol has to be quoted because otherwise it will be treated as a variable.
++++You can think of a function definition as a generalized version of a Lisp expression. The following expression tests whether the sum of 1 and 4 is greater than 3:
> (> (+ 1 4) 3) T
A function that will test whether the sum of any two numbers is greater than a third:
> (defun sum-greater (x y z) (> (+ x y) z)) SUM-GREATER > (sum-greater 1 4 3) T
Lisp makes no distinction between a program, a procedure, and a function. Functions do for everything (and indeed, make up most of the language itself).
A recursive function duplicating the CL function member
, which tests whether something is a member of itself:
(defun our-member (obj lst) (if (null lst) nil (if (eql (car lst) obj) lst (our-member obj (cdr lst)))))
The predicate eql
tests whether its two arguments are identical.
Macros etc
> (dolist (x '(1 2 3)) (print x)) 1 2 3 NIL > (dotimes (i 4) (print i)) 0 1 2 3 NIL > (dotimes (x 20) ;prints 20x20 times table (dotimes (y 20) (format t "~3d " (* (1+ x) (1+ y)))) (format t "~%"))
the DO template:
(do (variable-definition*) (end-test-form result-form*) statement*)
example of do loop: (looping over n, cur and next)
(do ((n 0 (1+ n)) (cur 0 next) (next 1 (+ cur next))) ((= 10 n) cur))
simple LOOP
(loop body-form*)
extended LOOP
(loop for i from 1 to 10 collecting i) ==> (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10) (loop for x from 1 to 10 summing (expt x 2)) ;sum the first 10 squares ==> 385
This counts the number of vowels in a string:
(loop for x across "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" counting (find x "aeiou")) ==> 11
This computes the eleventh Fibonacci number, similar to the DO loop used earlier:
(loop for i below 10 and a = 0 then b and b = 1 then (+ b a) finally (return a))
some ‘extended LOOP’ keywords: across, and, below, collecting, counting, finally, for, from, summing, then, to
;;; True if the specified subsequence of the string is a ;;; palindrome (reads the same forwards and backwards). (defun palindromep (string &optional (start 0) (end (length string))) (dotimes (k (floor (- end start) 2) t) (unless (char-equal (char string (+ start k)) (char string (- end k 1))) (return nil))))
;;; find the first pair of numbers, each less than 10, whose product ;;; is greater than the argument ;;; (uses RETURN-FROM to return the pair as soon as it finds it) (defun foo (n) (dotimes (i 10) (dotimes (j 10) (when (> (* i j) n) (return-from foo (list i j))))))
> (defun plot (fn min max step) (loop for i from min to max by step do (loop repeat (funcall fn i) do (format t "*")) (format t "~%"))) PLOT > (plot #'exp 0 4 1/2) * ** *** ***** ******** ************* ********************* ********************************** ******************************************************* NIL > (plot (lambda (x) (+ 30 (* 20 (sin x)))) 0 6.4 0.3) ****************************** ************************************ ****************************************** ********************************************** ************************************************* ************************************************** ************************************************** ************************************************ ******************************************** *************************************** ********************************* *************************** ********************** ***************** ************* *********** *********** ************ *************** ******************* ************************* ******************************* NIL
[that lisp is very reminiscent of Horner’s form!
5(x+2(x+1(x+3)))=(* 5 (+ x (* 2 (+ x (* 1 (+ x 3)))))) ]
A LISP programmer knows the value of everything, but the cost of nothing. – Alan Perlis, Epigrams on Programming
The backquote introduces a template of a data structure to be built. For example, writing
`(cond ((numberp ,x) ,@y) (t (print ,x) ,@y))
is roughly equivalent to writing
(list 'cond (cons (list 'numberp x) y) (list* 't (list 'print x) y))
Where a comma occurs in the template, the expression following the comma is to be evaluated to produce an object to be inserted at that point. Assume b has the value 3, for example, then evaluating the form denoted by `(a b ,b ,(+ b 1) b) produces the result (a b 3 4 b).
If a comma is immediately followed by an @, then the form following the @ is evaluated to produce a list of objects. These objects are then “spliced” into place in the template. For example, if x has the value (a b c), then
`(x ,x ,@x foo ,(cadr x) bar ,(cdr x) baz ,@(cdr x)) => (x (a b c) a b c foo b bar (b c) baz b c)
Practical Common Lisp – A great book. Caution: Trying to obtain the Lisp package he recommends as a painlessly easy way to get started is NOT RECOMMENDED unless you like wasting time and frustration.
Sayings of John McCarthy
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