Thanks largely to very kind motivation/interest from Ed Pegg and Stuart Anderson, in 2017 I’ve done more stuff to do with “Ponting packings/patches” and sequence grids/tilings:
I wrote a paper on sequence grids & tilings : square tilings paper.pdf
pontingpacking.pyx : Cython program that prints sizes & locations (on lower left corner) of squares, and saves png image. See bottom of this page.
The width and height of the Ponting packing are the same, and given by .
Their shape as increases quickly gets close to the same warped square shape:
A few sequence grid tilings:
I made various sequence grid tiling programs/pictures in 2017, but haven’t put them online yet, e.g.
Sequence grid circle inversions, using the square sizes and locations.
Detail of 31×31 :
Detail of 31×31 :
Detail of 31×31 :
sequence tiling Voronoi art – the points are at the centres of sequence grid tiling squares.
#pontingpacking.pyx - v1 - 7 Oct 2017 #prints square sizes and coordinates and makes png image of packing #NB the coordinates are with y=0 at the top. Subtract each y value from #N*(3*N*N-2*N+3)/4+2*MARGIN for normal Cartesian coords. #type OK() to run import numpy as np cimport numpy as np from scipy import misc DEF N = 15 #makes NxN packing DEF MARGIN = 5 cdef struct pt: int x,y cdef struct sqinfo: pt loc int size cdef sqinfo Square[N][N] fn = '/Users/admin/%dx%dpacking.png' % (N,N) cdef int highest cdef GetSizes(): cdef int i,j,count = 1 #do bottom row for i in xrange(N-1,-1,-2): # in C: for (i=N-1;i>-1;i=i-2) { Square[i][N-1].size = count count += 1 #rest of rows in pairs for j in xrange(N-2,0,-2): for i in xrange(N-2,0,-2): Square[i][j].size = count count += 1 for i in xrange(N-1,-1,-2): Square[i][j-1].size = count count += 1 #do right column for j in xrange(1,N-1,2): Square[N-1][j].size = count count += 1 #rest of columns in pairs for i in xrange(N-2,0,-2): for j in xrange(0,N,2): Square[i][j].size = count count += 1 for j in xrange(1,N,2): Square[i-1][j].size = count count += 1 cdef GetPositions(): global highest cdef int i,j cdef pt startOfRow,currentPos #do top row from left to right Square[0][0].loc = [0,0] #i.e. bottom left corner of top left square is at 0,0 startOfRow = [0,0] currentPos = [0,0] for i in xrange(1,N-1,2): currentPos.x += Square[i-1][0].size Square[i][0].loc = currentPos currentPos.x += Square[i][0].size currentPos.y -= Square[i][0].size-Square[i+1][0].size Square[i+1][0].loc = currentPos #store highest point, i.e. smallest y value in packing #which is top of square at right end of top row highest = currentPos.y-Square[i+1][0].size #do rest of rows in pairs for j in xrange(1,N-1,2): startOfRow.y += Square[0][j].size Square[0][j].loc = startOfRow currentPos = startOfRow for i in xrange(1,N-1,2): currentPos.x += Square[i-1][j].size currentPos.y -= Square[i-1][j].size-Square[i][j].size Square[i][j].loc = currentPos currentPos.x += Square[i][j].size Square[i+1][j].loc = currentPos startOfRow.x += Square[0][j].size-Square[0][j+1].size startOfRow.y += Square[0][j+1].size Square[0][j+1].loc = startOfRow currentPos = startOfRow for i in xrange(1,N-1,2): currentPos.x += Square[i-1][j+1].size Square[i][j+1].loc = currentPos currentPos.x += Square[i][j+1].size currentPos.y -= Square[i][j+1].size-Square[i+1][j+1].size Square[i+1][j+1].loc = currentPos cdef CorrectCoords(): cdef int i,j for j in xrange(N): for i in xrange(N): Square[i][j].loc.y -= highest-MARGIN #so none are <MARGIN Square[i][j].loc.x += MARGIN cdef PrintSizesAndLocations(): cdef int i,j for j in xrange(N): for i in xrange(N): print "%3d" % Square[i][j].size, print print print "Locations of bottom left corners of squares:" for j in xrange(N): print "Row",j,":", for i in xrange(N): print "(%d,%d)" % (Square[i][j].loc.x,Square[i][j].loc.y), print cpdef OK(): cdef int width,i,j,m GetSizes() GetPositions() CorrectCoords() width = N*(3*N*N-2*N+3)/4 cdef int IMWIDTH = width+2*MARGIN cdef np.ndarray[np.uint8_t,ndim = 3] pic = np.zeros((IMWIDTH,IMWIDTH,3),dtype = np.uint8) print N,"x",N," packing, dimensions =",width,"x",width print PrintSizesAndLocations() print for j in xrange(N): for i in xrange(N): for m in xrange(Square[i][j].size): pic[Square[i][j].loc.y,Square[i][j].loc.x+m,:] = 255 pic[Square[i][j].loc.y-m,Square[i][j].loc.x,:] = 255 pic[Square[i][j].loc.y-Square[i][j].size,Square[i][j].loc.x+m,:] = 255 pic[Square[i][j].loc.y-m,Square[i][j].loc.x+Square[i][j].size,:] = 255 misc.imsave(fn,pic)