Notes on the grammar and evolution of Latin, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian.
The Romance languages evolved from Vulgar Latin (
Some Latin words that survive in all Romance languages:
Latin | French | Spanish | Portug. | Italian | |
year | annus | an | año | ano | anno |
water | aqua | eau | agua | água | acqua |
son | filius | fils | hijo | filho | figlio |
hand | manus | main | mano | mão | mano |
night | nox | nuit | noche | noite | notte |
wind | ventus | vent | viento | vento | vento |
good | bonus | bon | bueno | bom | buono |
well | bene | bien | bien | bem | bene |
yesterday | heri | hier | ayer | (hiere) | ieri |
to drink | bibere | boire | beber | beber | bere |
to believe | credere | croire | creer | crer | credere |
to be born | nasci | naître | nacer | nascer | nascere |
to laugh | ridere | rire | reir | rir | ridere |
to come | venire | venir | venir | vir | venire |
to see | videre | voir | ver | ver | vedere |
Latin | French | Spanish | Portug. | Italian | |
to | ad | à | a | a | a(d) |
around/about | circa | cerca | cerca | ||
against | contra | contre | contra | contra | contro |
with | cum ![]() |
avec (apud+haec) |
con | com | con |
of | de | de | de | de | di |
outside | foras/foris | fors/hors | fuera | fora | fuori |
in | in | en | en | em | in |
for | pro | pour | por | por | |
through, with, by, by means of |
per | par | per | ||
per ad | para | para | |||
after, behind | post ![]() postea/positus |
puis | pués | pois | poi |
after, following, next to, according to |
secundum | suivant | según | segundo | secondo |
without | sine | sans | sin | sem | senza |
over | supre/supra | sur | sobre | sobre | su |
across | trans | tres | tras | trás | tra |
Latin | French | Spanish | Portug. | Italian | |
and | et | et | y | e | e |
but/however | per oc | pero | però | ||
but | mais | mais | mas | mas | ma |
if | si | si | si | se | se |
or | aut | ou | o | ou | o |
The conjugation classes
Conjugation | Latin | French | Spanish | Portug. | Italian |
I | -are | -er | -ar | -ar | -are |
II | -ere | -oir | -er | -er | -ere |
III | -ĕre | -re | -ĕre | ||
IV | -ire | -ir | -ir | -ir | -ire |
Endings of 1st conjugation verbs in the Present Indicative:
Latin | French | Spanish | Portug. | Italian | |
I | -o | -e | -o | -o | -o |
you | -as | -es | -as | -as | -i |
he/she/it | -at | -e | -a | -a | -a |
we | -amus | -ons | -amos | -amos | -iamo |
you (plu.) | -atis | -ez | -áis | -ais | -ate |
they | -ant | -ent | -an | -am | -ano |
Conjugation of verbs from facere – to make/to do
French | Spanish | Portug. | Italian | |
infinitive | faire | hacer | fazer | fare |
indicative present tense |
je fais | (yo) hago | (eu) faço | (io) faccio |
tu fais | (tú) haces | (tu) fazes | (tu) fai | |
il/ella fait | (él/ella/usted) hace | (ele/ela) faz | (lui, lei, Lei) fa | |
nous faisons | (nosotros) hacemos | (nós) fazemos | (noi) facciamo | |
vous faites | (vosotros) hacéis | (vós) fazeis | (voi) fate | |
ils/elles font | (ellas/ellos/ustedes) hacen |
(eles/elas) fazem | (loro, Loro) fanno | |
past infinitive | avoir fait | aver fatto | ||
gerund (present) | haciendo | fazendo | facendo | |
gerund (past) | avendo fatto | |||
present participle | faisant | faciente | facente | |
past participle | fait/ayant fait | hecho | feito | fatto |
● Talking about weather:
First person singular forms:
Latin | French | Spanish | Portug. | Italian | |
prs.ind. | facio | fais | hago | faccio | |
prs.sbjv. | faciam | fasse | haga | faccia | |
ipf.ind. | faciebam | faisais | hacía | facevo | |
pfv.ind | feci | fis | hice | feci | |
plpf.ind | feceram | hiciera | (fecera) | ||
plpf.sbjv | fecissem | fisse | hiciese | facessi |
Past participles
Latin | French | Spanish | Portug. | Italian | ||
infinitive | past participle | |||||
to write | scrībere | scriptus | écrit | escrito | escrito | scritto |
to break | rumpere | ruptus | roto | roto | rotto | |
to say | dicere | dictus | dit | dicho | dito | detto |
to see | videre | visus | visto | visto | visto |
Subject pronouns
Latin | French | Spanish | Portug. | Italian | |
I | égo![]() |
je | yo | eu | io |
you | tu | tu | tú/vos | tu | tu |
you (polite) | vous | usted | você | Lei | |
you (polite plural) | ustedes | Loro | |||
he | ille | il | él | ele | lui |
she | illa | elle | ella | ela | lei |
it | illud | il | ello, lo | o | |
we | nos | nous | nosotros | nós | noi |
you (plural) | vos | vous | vosotros | vós | voi |
they | illos | ils | ellos | eles | loro |
they (fem.) | illas | elles | ellas | eles | loro |
● Subject pronouns are optional in most Romance languages, except
Sources of pronouns etc
Latin | French | Spanish | Portug. | Italian | |
me | me/mihi | me, moi | me, (a) mí | (a) mim | mi |
you (obj) | tibi | te, toi | te, (a) tí | (a) ti | ti |
with me | mecum | conmigo | comigo | meco | |
with you | tecum | contigo | contigo | teco | |
with him/her | secum | consigo | consigo | seco | |
my | meum | mon, ma, mien, -nne | mío, -a, mi | meu, minha | mio, -a |
your | tuum | ton, ta, tien, -nne | tu, tuyo, -a | teu, tua | tuo, -a |
his/hers/its | suus, sua | son, sa, sien, -nne | su, suyo, -a | seu, suya | suo, -a |
our | nostrum | notre, nôtre | nuestro, -a | nosso, -a | nostro, -a |
their | vestrum/vostrum | votre, vôtre | vuestro, -a | vosso, -a | vostro, -a |
you (polite) |
VL vostra merced |
vuestra merced ![]() |
vossa mercê![]() |
this | iste, -a | este, -a | |||
istud![]() |
esto | isto | |||
illi![]() |
lei | ||||
illi![]() |
lui | le | lhe | lui | |
illum, illam | le, la | lo, le, la | lo, la | ||
illorum | leur, -s | ||||
they, them |
illis | eux | les | lhes | |
illos | ils, eux | ellos, los | os, los | ||
illas | elles | ellas, las | as, las | ||
VL ecce-illui | celui | ||||
that (far away) |
VL ecce-illa | celle | aquella | aquela | |
VL ecce-ille | aquel | aquele | |||
VL ecce-illa | celle | ||||
that | ipse, -a![]() |
ese, -a | |||
ipsum![]() |
eso | isso | |||
self, same |
egomet ipse![]() ![]() |
meïsme![]() ![]() |
mismo | mesmo | medessimo |
quis, qui | qui | ||||
what?, that, who? |
quid, quod, quem |
quei![]() |
¿qué? que ¿quien? |
que, quem | |
some | aliquis unus![]() |
alcun![]() |
alguno | algum | alcuno |
something | aliquod | algo | algo | ||
someone | aliquem | alguien | alguém | ||
quisque unus![]() |
chascun![]() |
ciascuno | |||
other | alter, -a, -um | altre![]() |
otro, -a | outro, -a | |
only, lone | solus, -a, -um | seul, seule | solo, -a | só | |
all | totus, -a, -um | tout, toute | todo, -a | todo, -a, tudo | tutto, -a |
one | unus, -a, -um | un, une | uno, -a | um, uma | |
which | qualis | quel, quelle | cual ¿cuál? | qual | |
how much | quantus | quant | ¿cuánto? cuanto | quanto | |
when | quando | quand | ¿cuándo? cuando | quando | |
such | talis | tel, telle | tal | tal | |
so | tantus | tant | tan, tanto | tão, tanto | |
every | VL cata unum | cada | cada | catuno | |
true, certain |
certanus | certan![]() certain, -e |
cierto | certo | |
nothing | VL non res nata (no thing born) ![]() |
nada | nada | ||
nobody | VL non homines nati (no people born) ![]() |
nadie | |||
none | VL nec unu | ninguno | nenhum |
Evolution of Latin into Romance languages
Consonant changes
Latin..became: | French | Spanish | Portug. | Italian | ||
= | ll- | ch- (sh sound) |
chi- (k sound) fi- pi- |
flammam | flamme | llama | chama | fiamma | flame | |
pluviam | pluie | lluvia | chuva | pioggia | rain | |
clamare (to shout) |
clamer (to cry out) |
llamar | chamar | chiamare | to call | |
it | ch | it | tt | |||
nocte | nuit | noche | noite | notte | night | |
j | lh | gli | ||||
filius/filia | fils/fille | hijo/hija | filho/filha | figlio/figlia | son/daughter | |
consilium | conseil | consejo | conselho | consiglio | advice (counsel) | |
v | b | b | = | |||
leporum | lièvre | liebre | lebre | lepre | hare | |
ripam | rive | riba | ripa | bank, shore | ||
sapere | savoir | saber | saber | sapere | to have a (certain) taste, to be intelligent |
● more consonant changes in
Vowel changes
Latin..became: | French | Spanish | Portug. | Italian | ||
au | o/au | o | o | |||
causa (cause, case) |
chose | cosa | coisa | cosa | thing | |
pauper | pauvre | pobre | pobre | povero | poor | |
aurum | or | oro | oro | gold | ||
e (accented)![]() |
pédem | pied | pie | piede | foot | ||
pétram | pierre | piedra | pietra | rock | ||
mél | miel | miel | miele | honey | ||
ténet | tient | tiene | tiene | he/she holds | ||
décem | dieis![]() |
diez | dieci | ten | ||
célum | ciel | cielo | cielo | sky | ||
o (accented) | eu/oeu | ue | uo | |||
nóvam | nuef![]() |
nuevo | nuovo | new | ||
VL mórit | meurt | muere | muore | he/she dies | ||
bóvem | boeuf | buey | bue | ox | ||
óvum | oeuf | huevo | uovo | egg |
“How did this curious change, called “spontaneous diphthongization,” come about? The accented vowel, because it was accented, was lengthened first: pédem (foot) /pe-de/ came to be pronounced /pe-e-de/. Then, by dissimilation, the first of the two sounds changed, resulting in /piede/. By a parallel process, accented o /o/ came to be pronounced /o-o/ and then /uo/.
+++Upon still closer study, a further refinement appears, a distinction between Spanish, on the one hand, and both French and Italian, on the other. The latter languages do not diphthongize accented e or o if the vowel is followed by a consonant within the same syllable (such a vowel is called “checked”; the opposite is a “free” vowel).” [S211]
Latin..became: | French | Spanish | Portug. | Italian | ||
e (checked) | ie | |||||
térram | terre | tierra | terra | earth | ||
mérdam | merde | mierda | merda | shit | ||
céntum | cent | ciento | cento | hundred | ||
o (checked) | ue | |||||
córpus | corps | cuerpo | corpo | body | ||
mórdit | mord | muerde | morde | he/she bites | ||
pórtum | port | puerto | porto | harbour |
+++++Latin has bequeathed to its Romance offspring two separate word stocks, which might be termed “popular” and “learned.” One consists of the words inherited directly from Latin, continuously present in the language, passed on without interruption from one generation of speakers to the next; the other, of words introduced at some later time and adopted from written Latin (and Greek).
Latin | French | Spanish | Portug. | Italian | meaning | |
causam | 1. | chose | cosa | cosa | thing | |
2. | cause | causa | causa | cause | ||
collocare (to set in place) |
1. | coucher | to lay down | |||
2. | colloquer | to set in place | ||||
spatulam (broad, flat piece) |
1. | épaule (shoulder) |
espalda (back) |
2. | spatule | espátula | espátula | spatola | spatula | |
blasphemare (to blaspheme) ![]() |
1. | blâmer | lastimar (to injure) |
biasimare | to blame | |
2. | blasphémer | blasfemar | blasfemar | bestemmiare | to blaspheme | |
parabola (comparison) |
1. | parole | palabra | palavra | parola | word |
2. | parabole | parábola | parábola | parabola | parable | |
navigare (to sail) |
1. | nager | to swim | |||
2. | naviguer | navegar | navegar | navigare | to sail, navigate | |
papyrum (papyrus) |
1. | papier | papel | papel | paper | |
2. | papyrus | papiro | papiro | papiro | papyrus | |
bestia | 1. | bicha | bug, small animal | |||
2. | bestia | beast | ||||
capitalis | 1. | caudal | wealth, fortune, prosperity | |||
2. | capital | capital | ||||
fabricare | 1. | fraguar | to forge, make | |||
2. | fabricar | to manufacture | ||||
articulus | 1. | artejo | joint | |||
2. | artículo | article | ||||
rapidus | 1. | raudo | swift, fast-flowing | |||
2. | rápido | swift(ly), quick(ly) |
Spanish-Portuguese correspondences
Portuguese sound | Spanish | Portug. |
sh | jefe (heh-fe) | chefe (sheh-fee) |
bajo (bah-ho) | baixo (buy-shoe) | |
zh | junio (hoon-yo) | junho (zhoon-yo) |
lh | mujer (moo-hair) | mulher (mool-yeah) |
Spanish .. becomes | in Portug. | e.g. | e.g. | ||
ll | l/ch/lh | llorar | chorar (shoh-rah) | ||
n | nh | dinero | dinheiro | vino | vinho |
ñ | n | año | ano | pequeño | pequeno |
h | f | hacer | fazer | hijo | filho |
ch | t | luchar | lutar | mucho | muito |
ct | t | doctor | doutor | acto | ato |
ks sound | s sound | acción | açao | accidente | acidente |
mn | n | alumno | aluno | columna | coluna |
pl | pr | placer | prazer | plaza | praça |
bl | br | blanco | branco | obligar | obrigar |
-ano | -ão | mano | mão | verano | verão |
-ana | -ã | manzana | maçã | hermana | irmã |
-ble | -vel | horrible | horrivel | posible | possivel |
-ito/ita | -inho/inha | casita | casinha | ||
-cito/cita | -zinho/zinha | cafecito | cafezinho | ||
-ero | -eiro | ||||
-ción | -ção | ||||
-aje | -agem |
singular | plural | e.g. | ||
masculine | -o | -i | libro ![]() |
feminine | -a | -e | penna ![]() |
● In
(some) Grammatical tenses
English | Latin | French | Spanish | Portug. | Italian |
present | present | ||||
preterite (simple) past |
perfect imperfect |
passé simple passé composé (compound past) |
pretérito imperfect present perfect |
pretérito perfeito pretérito imperfeito |
passato remoto imperfetto passato prossimo |
future future-in-the-past |
future pluperfect future perfect |
of it/that/them/etc | ne | ne | |
there | y | ci | |
there is | il y a | y ha![]() |
c’è/vi è |
there are | ci sono/vi sono |
très | muy | muito | molto |
Interesting facts..
● ‘werden’ (to become) is the 3rd most common verb in German. (It’s not easy [for gringos] to say ‘become’ in
The Cambridge History of the Romance Languages, Vol 1 Structures (2011)
Heatwole – A Comparative Practical Grammar of French, Spanish and Italian (1949)
[S] Joseph B. Solodow – Latin Alive : The Survival of Latin in English and Romance Languages (2010)
Source of quotes